• Fighting for Your Marriage

    Fighting for Your Marriage: Why It Has Benefits

    A new and revised edition of this classic book on marital problems and divorce prevention, copyrighted as "Fighting for Fighting for Your Marriage has sold |150,000 copies! since it was first released in 1994. It is the text book of The Marriage Survival Guide Plus 7 Course Plan, an effort by Bill Poulos and his team to teach people from all walks of life, how to save their marriages and keep them strong and alive. The book's basic approach helps people to realize that although there is a problem in their marriages, there is also a solution, as well. The book is not just a collection of practical advice on dealing with marital problems; instead, it is a guide to understanding marriage problems and saving marriages.

    Fighting for Your Marriage

    A good Marriage Survival Guide should help a person realize that even though their spouse may be pushing them away, fighting is not the answer. Most people who are involved in a divorce fight do not know how to even begin to figure out what they really want, let alone achieve it. The marriage survival guide will help you see that there is a proper way to approach the issues at hand and that proper steps are required to resolve the conflict once and for all. Through the course of this guide, you will learn to fight successfully and get your answer in the end.

    This book does not advocate divorcing your spouse in any way. The authors recognize that both parties need to take responsibility for their marriage problems. However, the authors strongly encourage you to fight hard against your divorce because you have the potential to save your marriage and to repair your relationship with your spouse. Fighting for your marriage will require that you become willing to put in the work necessary. You will also need to believe that you have the ability and the motivation to make your marriage work.

    If your spouse is telling you that he or she does not want to have a relationship with you anymore, fighting should be the first course of action. If your relationship has deteriorated to the point where fighting is becoming imminent, there are a few things you can do to turn things around. One thing you can do is to get support from family and friends. Getting outside of your circle of family and friends will allow you to focus your energy on your relationship. A solid support system will make it much easier for you to maintain your motivation as you work to win back your spouse's love. If you are able to maintain the relationship that you have with the person your spouse is currently married to, then fighting should be the second step.

    Many couples end up in marriage counseling after fighting has begun. Counseling is one of the most effective ways to resolve conflicts and to help couples come together. It can also be extremely helpful for those couples who feel like they do not know how to fix their problems. There are many different types of marriage counseling programs, so you should explore all of your options before making a final decision about which program will be the best option for you and your marriage.

    Another important thing to consider when you are trying to figure out how to fix your problems is to remember that marriages do require work. Many marriages end up in divorce because couples simply do not have enough good ideas to work out the problems that are plaguing their marriage. Remember that even if you are the most passionate person in the world, if you do not put effort into your marriage, your spouse will not. You should try to spend some time each day thinking about what you could do to improve your relationship with your spouse.

    Fighting for your marriage is not something that you should be doing if you are truly committed to having a healthy and happy relationship. If your spouse continually makes you feel insecure, or if you feel like you are constantly threatened, then you should be looking for other ways of coping with the stresses in your life. The best ways to overcome conflicts and other issues is to talk it out with your spouse. Learning how to communicate effectively with your partner can go a long way towards improving your relationship.

    People can make a very good argument that there are some bad things happening in marriages today. However, unless you can prove these alleged negatives, it is very hard to change people's opinion of you. If you are always focused on fighting with your spouse, you can hurt your relationship in more ways than one. Instead of focusing on satan, try to focus on the positive things about your spouse, such as their talents, their intelligence, their goals, their success, etc. In the end, you will find that there are some really great reasons why fighting with your spouse actually has benefits.

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